
Giving” is an act of selflessness and greatest of the human actions. Several ancient philosophies have continually encouraged mankind to share with their fellow humans what little they have in excess to create an environment of peace and stability. Modern Psychology and Neuroscience has established and proved further that sharing and giving is the greatest human act signaling a healthy mindset of a giver. Student who were blessed and opportuned to study at the Institutes of excellence and achieve a bundle of knowledge, returning a bit from the bounty they receive once settled in their career to their Alma Mater, is a yeoman service and an expression of gratitude.

Our Alumni spread across the globe are well placed in several important institutions, Universities, Laboratories, Government, and Defense establishments commanding positions of authority and power. These Alumni in power and position can volounteer to GIVING. They can be a catalytic agent to bring together the institution they are serving through ODAA or through the Alumni Association for mutual benefits. They can sponsor memorial lectures in the memory of their beloved one or on their family name. They can donate in whatever kind one prefers to help their Alma Mater and the Association to grow to larger heights. The Association uses all the contribution to the cause of furthering knowledge in the manner best agreed by all.

The Alumni Association has been engaged in organising lectures/ seminars on various scientific topics of interest. The Association has also instituted scholarship and financial support to most deserving meritorious needy students in a limited way. Availability of sufficient resources is our constraint. Sufficient resources if availble, it helps the Association to enlarge our activities to carry on its designated goals on a regular basis. Alumni and students who can contribute to the cause of our efforts are requested to do so generously in our great cause. Every penny you share will go to the cause of dissipating knowledge to the larger student community to carry out research and development activities. The accounts are subject to scrupulous auditing and the giver is rest assured for the money they contribute meets its end rightfully.

You can reach us through our contacts or through any of our Executive Council Members for your givings or contributions.

Take the lead and be a “GIVER”.


CCAA Alumni Association is a nonprofit entity estableshed with the sole purpose enshrined in its objectives to play the role of a catalytic agent between its Alumni members and the Alma Mater to the cause of its growth at the same time establish a strong bond between its members.

Though in existence since long time, the Association had been carrrying on its activities in a very modest way constrained by its limited resources. All it’s loftier plans in its’ agenda, sufferred due to the budgetory limitations. The Association could also grow little unlike other Alumni Associations of similar great Institutions which received member’s support through donations, contributions, sponsorships etc. Funds are an absolute need for growth.

The members are the sole soul of this Association. Their liberal support is our breadth. Voluntory support through generous contributions are the need of the hour to take this organistions to a new height.

Members are requested to generously contribute in our fund rasing efforts. Any amount as contribution are welcome. The Association assures you of our best to take this Association to a new heights.

The Association can make use of the online or offline contributions at the Link provided. (MORE).

Cotton Collegiate Govt H.S. School